Privacy Policy

We (at ZigZag) are highly committed to protecting your personal information and your right to privacy. Therefore we take your privacy very seriously and we keep number of situations in which we collect and/or share privacy data linked to you to an absolute bare minimum. As a consequence, our privacy policy is simple, short and easily understandable.

Below can you find our privacy policy outlined in more details. If you have any questions or concerns about the policy, please contact us using our support page. If there is anything out the policy that you do not agree with, please discontinue using FileUtils application and website.

Privacy in FileUtils application

FileUtils DOES NOT collect nor share any privacy data linked to you.

  • Administrator username and password needed for authentication when executing privileged file operations (operations for which you do not have sufficient file access rights as logged-in user) are passed and used directly by the operating system, without being collected and/or shared.

Privacy on website

When you visit and use our website, there are certain privacy data linked to you that we may collect for further use. However, those data ARE NOT shared with anyone.

  • If you sign up for our newsletter filling your email address on our download page, we collect your email address in order to send you periodical newsletters you singed up for.
  • All new purchases are automatically signed up for the newsletter, which you can cancel manually.
  • Your name and email address that you fill in using the form on our support page is directly used to generate and sent a support email and those data are not collected and/or shared.

Privacy regarding purchasing FileUtils

When you purchase FileUtils on our purchase page, you are actually redirected to PayPro Global server. PayPro Global is a well known digital commerce platform for software, with a proven record during almost 20 years in business. All privacy data linked to you, that you fill in the purchase form, is handled directly by PayPro Global. The way PayPro Global handles those data is explained in details on PayPro Global Compliance & Data Privacy page, as well as in PayPro Global Privacy Policy document.

Only a small bits of the privacy data linked to you, that you fill in the purchase form, are collected by us, but ARE NOT shared with anyone.

  • Your name is collected for our internal administrative purposes, as it is required from us to have records of all our customers. Your name is not shared.
  • Your email address and license key are collected so that in case you forget your license key, we can send it to you upon request, or you can look for it yourself on our support page. Your email address and license key are not shared.